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We would like to make our field trips and other activities accessible to as many people as possible.

Our field trips mainly take place in natural or brown field outdoor sites and may include walking on or crossing roads. Some of our field trips are divided to offer a variety of fitness demands. Most of our field trips cover a short distance, rarely over 5 miles/8km. The footpaths may include stretches with tree roots, mud or be narrow.

We are often out for 5-6 hours and eat packed lunches in the field. There is usually no shelter in poor weather or toilet facilities.

We like to welcome as many people as possible. If you are uncertain whether our events are suitable please get in touch. Our leaders will know whether a particular trip will suit your requirements. If you have a sensory impairment experienced members can help describe what is found, for example pointing out bird song or describing the structure of a plant.

There are a number of members willing to take small groups out on additional informal field trips which can be tailored to meet particular needs.

If you usually have a companion they will be made welcome and we will work together to provide a happy and safe learning environment.

Please contact us if you have a particular interest and we may be able to accommodate your particular requirements whilst satisfying your interests. You may be able to help us to plan future events.