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Indoor Talks

Monthly talks during the winter start at 7.30pm and the AGM at 7.00pm at Eltham Suite, Eric Liddell Centre, Morningside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 4DP.

Local parking restrictions end at 6.30pm.

There is no charge for attendance and non-members are welcome. Talks are followed by discussion and tea/coffee and biscuits (cost 30p).

The talks are given by guest speakers on a wide variety of topics. The last talk is traditionally replaced by a Members' Night when members can present a talk or activity of their choice. After the talk there will be time for questions, discussion and other activities. Usually there will be a low-power microscope if you want to bring specimens to examine and show to others. Journals and magazines with a natural history interest can be swapped.

graphic depicting an active wheelchair user Our indoor meetings are held in the basement of an older building. However, there is a rear entrance with level access. We use a sound system with a hearing loop system for speakers and questions. Most talks use slides and these are not audio described.

map showing location of venue