Edinburgh Natural History Society has cancelled it's Members' Night Event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus which causes severe upper respiratory symptoms. The virus is spread by droplet infection which includes touching where droplets have fallen or been transferred.
Take part in a number of small activities. The main rule is that you obey the restrictions imposed and communicated by the Government and NHS, and specifically:- you should stay at home apart from essential shopping, medical needs, essential work and daily exercise you do not meet up with anyone that does not live in your home you stay at least 2m from everyone else you wash your hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds If you are very vulnerable or feel that you are at any stage of the infection you must stay at home, unless your medical condition warrants being hospitalised.
Wednesday 15th April is expected to be a sunny day you can do these activities through an open window, in your own garden or during your exercise. In our slowed down lives people are starting to take more attention of what is around them. Report back via secretary@edinburghnaturalhistorysociety.org.uk, ENHS Facebook or Twitter.
Your patch – for example, a tree or patch of ground in a place that you won't be disturbed or impeding passing walkers, runners etc, or at home. Consider the context of your observations and record species relationships which you notice. Try and make a visit daily or weekly, note what changes – include simple weather notes. As well as what you are observing, make sure you know the location so that you can record it. You can find the location on Streetmap and follow the link to convert coordinates to find the grid reference.
First sightings – annual events On Sunday 12th April - David Adamson saw his first swallow for 2020. Sarah Adamson detected her first 10-spot ladybird in a newly opened Malus sp flower. The gooseberry flowers are attracting many bumblebees. Do you have any species that you observe each year? Make a simple graph showing first flowering or arrival of a summer visitor.
Note down - What, Where and Who – make a record. Record your findings on iRecord.