This web site is copyright © Edinburgh Natural History Society.
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Our database holds content that is the result of many years of toil, and the task of keeping it up to date involves a lot of ongoing work. Databases are protected under copyright law, and we assert our right to protect our investment - we will be very upset if you copy our non-personal data without our written permission. If you would like to use our data, please contact us and we'll be happy help and, for commercial uses, to provide a competitive quote. The copying and use of personal data is not permitted under any circumstances.
If you believe that anything in this web site belongs to you and has been used without your consent, let us know and we'll try to sort things out.
Content Providers
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of members and others who provide content for this web site and we encourage you to see more of their work by visiting their respective web sites:
- All organisations listed within this site.
- All contributors of images of events, locations, etc.)
If you think you should be given a copyright citation, please let us know and we'll look into it without delay.