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Edinburgh Natural History Society has three grades of membership

  1. Individual
  2. Couples & Families
  3. Honorary membership

Honorary membership is normally conferred upon a member in recognition of outstanding service or an outstanding contribution to the Association.

All members are entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings.

To participate fully in the processes of a General Meeting, you must become a member not later than [number] days prior to the meeting. Members joining less than [number] days, but not less than [number] days, prior to the meeting, will be entitled to vote at the meeting.

WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR MEMBERSHIP FEES? Show Additional Information Hide Additional Information

As an association, we don't want to take money from anyone just for the sake of it.

The main reason for having a membership fee is that we need to be robust in our recording of members.

DO WE HAVE TO MAKE ANY OTHER PAYMENTS? Show Additional Information Hide Additional Information

We make a small charge for some of our meetings. This is to cover the cost of the teas, coffees and other refreshments, and all the other costs that come with providing a base for our meetings.


The membership grades are:

  1. Individual

    Membership costs £[number]. This is the grade that most members will belong in.

    Individual members are entitled to take part in meetings, excursions, etc. They can also receive copies of our publications. Our library is available, and members can borrow equipment. They can also fully participate in the association's General Meetings.

  2. Couples & Families

    Membership costs £[number]. This grade is designed for co-habiting members, such as partners, parents and their children, etc.

    Couples & Families have the same benefits of membership as individuals. However, where - for example - papers are delived to the home address, only one copy will be provided.

  3. Honorary Member

    This category of membership is awarded by the club to individuals in recognition of outstanding service, or an outstanding contribution, to the association.